Thursday, February 24, 2011

New To This

So.... I've thought about keeping a journal for awhile... I've always thought it would be good therapy.  But the truth is, I can type faster than I write so I never really gave it a chance... so now that I have a few minutes I've decided to give this blogging thing a try.... basically this is my attempt at some electronic journal therapy.  I'm not looking for anyone to read it necessarily... I'm just hoping it will help keep me sane during this extremely "interesting" time period of my life.

Here are some additional facts that the title doesn't really spell out.... ...

I'm 29, I've been married for almost 3 years and I have a step-daughter (SD) who is now 16.
Oh and she lives with my husband and I full time.

That being said, here is some further insight on each...

I'm 29... and I should probably also mention having distinct issues at turning 30 in less than 2 months.  While we're on the subject of age I should probably draw attention again to the age of my SD.  She is 16.  So there is officially 13 1/2 years between us.  (I like to stress the half because in some ways i feel like I need the acknowledgment of that extra 6 months!) So as you can imagine this in itself presents it's own set of challenges.... who am I?  a mother figure? a big-sister?  an annoying competitor for her dad's attention?

I've also been married for almost 3 years... and would like to consider myself a newly wed... although truthfully I don't think that ever described us.  The whole marriage thing has been an interesting transition....

Let me back up.... I really enjoyed being single... I was never really one of those girls that pined away about getting married.  Yes, I definitely had my occasional freak-outs as most of my friends got married before me, but overall I really enjoyed living with roommates, traveling, having fun and having complete control over my life (and my money!).  But then my husband came along and he's just completely the right person for me so all of this is worth it... But......  I have learned, shall i say, "the hard way" that when you get married, and have a family - a blended family at that.... that all that freedom & control changes.... or should I say vanishes!

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